Microchanneling activates your body’s natural regenerative ability to tighten and lift the skin, stimulating rather than utilising destructive and inflammatory techniques. This means a treatment that is typically well tolerated and has minimal downtime, while encouraging healthy skin by stimulating the rejuvenation cascade for new collagen production.
Microchanneling can be used to address concerns with ageing such as fine lines and wrinkles, and skin laxity. It is also used to address stretch marks and scars – acne and surgical scars, and pigmentation and textural concerns.
Procell Therapies Microchanneling gun is used to create targeted micro-channels in the skin, without the dragging action across the skin that can damage the surface of the skin. Procell Therapies Microchannel Delivery Serums are also used in combination with Microchanneling. These highly concentrated growth factor serums encourage healing and have anti-inflammatory properties, amplifying collagen response and decreasing recovery time.
If you would like to know more about Microchanneling treatments email us at [email protected] or call our Care Team on (02) 4002 4150.
- Skin sensitivity and redness.
- Bruising.
- Infection.
- Peeling of the skin.
Microchanneling treatments should not be used if you have active skin cancers within the treatment areas; open wounds or sores; irritated skin within the treatment zone; an ongoing active inflammatory skin condition such as eczema or psoriasis; an active Herpes Simplex in the treatment area; are pregnant or breastfeeding; Diabetes due to possible healing issues; or are currently taking medicines with the ingredient isotretinoin (such as Accutane).
Usual activities can be undertaken prior to treatment. For the week before your treatment avoid topical agents that may increase your skin’s sensitivity, such as retinoids and exfoliants. Avoid unprotected sun exposure or sunburn for at least 48 hours prior to your treatment. If you are prone to cold sores, take an antiviral agent for 2 days prior to and the day of treatment. Avoid blood thinning agents for one week before your treatment due to the increased risk of bruising.
The Procell Therapies Microchanneling device feels a little like an electric toothbrush vibrating against your skin. Some people describe minor discomfort during the treatment. The recommended number of treatments are at least 3 spaced over 3 months.
You will be able to return to your usual daily activities. Minor redness and irritation for the first 24-48 hours after your treatment. Your skin may feel hot and tight, like mild sunburn. Avoid sun exposure and irritants, such as make-up for the first 24 hours. Avoid heat inducing activities such as strenuous exercise for the first 24 hours following treatment.
Pricing will depend on the area and number of areas being treated, typically ranging from $475 for a face treatment and $555 for face and neck. Packages of 4 to 6 treatments are recommended to optimise results. Email us at [email protected] or call our Care Team on (02) 4002 4150 to discuss.
Microchanneling treatments can be paired with other Avery Aesthetic services. A consultation is the best way to discuss the treatment options suited to your concerns and goals. To book your non-surgical consultation email us at [email protected] or call our care team on (02) 4002 4150.
See below for some of the available pairing treatment options.

Dynamic Facial Lines


Collagen Stimulation

Gel Treatments for Facial Volume

The recommended number of treatments are at least 3 spaced over 3 months.
We understand that you’re busy and your availability can change. We ask that for all non-surgical appointments you provide 72 hours’ notice so that we can reallocate your time. Less than 72 hours’ notice for a change or cancellation of appointment will result in forfeiture of your $100 prepayment.